Friday, November 14, 2014

The Most Fabulous Store on Etsy - Mine!

"The most fabulous store on Etsy - mine."
So maybe that would be a bit narcissist, not to mention not entirely true - there are tons of way fabulous-er shops on Etsy. Like, stores full of awesome fandom geekery thingies. And hair swords. And ridiculously amazing medieval costumes. And Galadriel inspired perfume.
Yes, there is certainly all of that. And it's truly fabulous. (It also can be slightly addictive, scrolling the vast pages of Etsy...)
But that's beside the point here! See, as the title dictates, I'm now the proud owner of my own Etsy boutique, full of my own fabulous, original, quirky things.  Things you'll find nowhere else in the whole 'verse, because I made them!
Oh, and I'm currently having a shop-opening sale - buy two bracelets or earrings and get one free!
Now you're definitely obliged to go have a peek. I know you want to.
Here's the link. CLICK IT. -----> The Turquoise Tempest - My Official Etsy Store!
There will be a lot more stuff coming, trust me. I literally have a whole inventory of jewelry items, cards and poetry books just sitting here in my room waiting to be bought and enjoyed.
Anyway, hope you guys are faring marvelously! Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Action Kids' Club Blog Tour!

(Hey people! Today I'm participating in a blog tour post from Lydia Howe, the author of this awesome new kids' book Action Kids' Club! Turning the microphone over to her now so make sure you keep reading!)
Today we’re at the forth blog tour stop, celebrating the release of the first book in the Action Kids  series, Action Kids' Club. . Read the post from yesterday at this blog. 

The answer to yesterday’s quote puzzle is: Failure is an’s not a person. - Don Howe

Today I’m really excited to have an interview to share with y’all! Leah, who illustrated Action Kids' Club, will be answering some questions!
  1. First off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Well, I'm 18, I live in the rural north Florida countryside, and I have four younger brothers. I love telling people about Christ, drinking hot tea of various sorts, and laughing, among many other things! If you really want to learn more about me you can check out my About page up there at the top of the blog. :)
  2. How long have you been drawing?  Since I could first pick up a writing/drawing instrument. So basically, all of my life.
  3. Tell us a little bit about your process? It depends on what I'm working on. If it's an illustration project like what I did with this book, I have to visualize the subject in my head first. Then, when I've come up with a satisfactory mental image, I start sketching casually with pencil. When I get a nice pencil draft done, I bring out the inks, which consist mostly of Prismacolor illustration pens. Then comes the coloring, which is probably the most enjoyable part. Afterwards I do mild touch-up work and scan the picture.
  4. What is your favorite thing about being an artist? The freedom it gives me to express the ideas in my head. I have an excessive amount of creativity, and being an artist allows me to manifest that creativity in a physical form. It's very satisfying.
  5. What inspires you to draw? Mostly just random people. Specifically, faces. Every face conveys so much uniqueness and beauty. God's incredible design never ceases to amaze me, and I love to study it through art, which helps me to understand it better. For example, sketches of the skeletal system help me in my comprehension of anatomy. Also, being a writer, I'm constantly in the mood to draw my characters which inspire my art projects significantly.
  6. If you had one piece of advice for aspiring artists, what would it be? Practice, practice, practice! Every fellow artist I've known, when I asked them this question, said the same thing. Literally the best thing you can do to improve your skill is to actually do it. The more you draw, the more you will understand the craft and develop your own unique style.  
Here’s your quote puzzle for today. Figure it out and leave the answer in the comments section and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a great prize! And, check out my blog to find out about the $50 gift card I’m giving away!
Khuh lv d vlpsoh exw srzhuiro uxoh... Dozdbv jlyh shrosh pruh wkdq wkhb hashfw wr jhw. -Nelson Boswell

Make sure you check out this blog tomorrow for the answer to the quote puzzle and the next stop on the blog tour. Thanks for stopping by! 
Action Kids’ Club Back Cover Blurb: 
Twelve-year-old Olivia Hall’s dream of a friends' club ends when she finds out her family is moving. Her parents assure her it's a good thing, opening a new world of possibilities for the Halls. But going from ‘miss popular’ to ‘the new girl’ won’t be easy, and Olivia is not convinced.
Soon she begins to realize that although her life has suddenly changed, there's plenty of adventure to keep her on her toes. From making new friends at Forward Focus, to hanging out at the world-renowned Kids Zone, to meeting the curious head chef, she discovers that there's much more to life - and her new surroundings - than she ever imagined. How will she make the most of these new opportunities? Or will she let them slip away?
About the Author: 
Lydia Howe (aka Aidyl Ewoh) is a twenty-something adventurous author who enjoys hiking in the mountains of Asia and South America, building life-size models of dinosaurs, taking road trips across Europe and cooking for large crowds. 
Lydia grew up in a barn and has always dreamed of living in a tipi. She is trained as a John Maxwell coach and her passions include self-development and Christian apologetics One of her life-long dreams was realized when her first book, “Cave Secrets of the Pterodactyl”, was published by Answers in Genesis in 2013. Her second book, “Action Kids’ Club” was published in November of 2014. Find her online at her Blog, Facebook, Twitter,  Google+, Goodreads and Pinterest.
(Answer key to puzzle)
A B C D E F G H I  J   K L M N O P Q R  S T  U V W X Y Z 
D E F G H I  J  K L M N O P Q  R S T  U V W X Y Z  A B C