Sunday, January 27, 2019

When My Soul Bleeds Words

hey lovelies!
 In case you didn't know or haven't heard, I have a whole new collection of poetry out in print!

WHEN MY SOUL BLEEDS WORDS is an illustrated poetry book that deals with my experiences relating to mental illness and just all the different facets of life. The ups and downs, the in-betweens. The recovery process of dealing with mental illness. The good and bad. 
Some stuff is dark, some of it is stuff you wouldn't want to read aloud. 

It's all told in a Christian perspective, though, so don't get too scared. 

If you're interested in purchasing your own signed copy, head over to my official website

ALSO you can get a copy on AMAZON! Click here

THANK YOU for supporting indie authors like me! <3 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

//i had a bad dream last night {poetry}

i had a bad dream last night 
(a poem)


God, I had a bad dream last night. 
My mind wasn't mine and of truth I lost sight.
Worse still, all that was wrong became right. 

Into depravity I was thrown.
Hijacked by the worst evil ever known. 
Humanity had a price tag, like an item to be owned.

The blood of innocent children on my hands;
Human sacrifices to appease the devil's demands.
My silence is what ushered in those evil plans. 

People praised the murderers, the insane. 
I put a gun to my head to blow out my brain. 
They wanted me to die, so I didn't complain. 

Life was a curse instead of a prize.
To follow Christ was certainly to be despised. 
In despair, I tried to awake, but I couldn't open my eyes.

And yet...
 It was not a dream. 
I had never been asleep at all. 


copyright 2019, Leah K. Oxendine. 

For more poetry, please check out my illustrated poetry collection on mental illness and recovery, "When My Soul Bleeds Words" now available on Amazon HERE.