Monday, March 27, 2017

The Official Release of TROF!

Yep, you heard me right! 

My historical fiction The Rebels of Florida is now published and available for purchase, after ten exasperating years of blood, sweat and tears! 

So what are you waiting for? GO GET A COPY RIGHT NOW, YA HEAR?

You can purchase directly from me on my NEW website here, or on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble online as a myriad of other worldwide vendors. 

*does happy dance*

Even if you don't get yourself a beautiful copy of your own, (trust me you really ought to) definitely go check out my website because from now on I'll be posting more over there for professional reasons. 

God is so good in fulfilling my childhood dream of publishing this book, and I really hope it touches the world. If you really want to be a dear, share the word with your friends and whoever you think might enjoy a dramatic historical novel about Florida's involvement in the Civil War. Muchas gracias!